Run one of the following tasks and find the result at the bottom of the page. Click on the resulted file name to access the spectral analyzing tools.
The logical AND operation is performed between the three criteria (empty means "all"). First 50 entries are shown. As criteria can be any of the following: asteroid number (ex: 1, 5143), asteroid designation (ex: 1989YK8), UAIcode of the telescope (ex: 586), observation date (ex: 2003-03-31), the article where the spectrum was published (ex:
Insert file name, which can result from a search in database or by uploading/obtaining a temporary file (ex: Heracles_20020829_950_00, tempspec1719, tempspec_MySpec).
Your file should contain at least 2 columns: wavelengt and reflectance. First column is interpreted as wavelength and the second one as reflectance. Size is limited to 10Mb.
Insert the file names for the two spectra (ex: Spectrum A:Heracles_19911214_697_00, Spectrum B:Heracles_20020829_950_00).
Insert your temporary filename (ex: tempspec1719, tempspec_MySpec).